Immigrant Worker Rights

What are your rights as an immigrant worker in the UAE?

If you’re an immigrant worker in the UAE, it is imperative that you are fully aware of these key points regarding your rights and obligations :

1. Employment Contract Signing:

Upon arriving in the UAE, you are expected to sign your employment contract. This legal document serves as the foundation of your employment relationship.

2. Employer's Financial Responsibilities:

Your employer is responsible for covering the costs of recruitment, travel, and obtaining your residency permit in the UAE. This is a significant aspect of your employment agreement.

3. Consistency in Employment Terms:

The terms and provisions of your employment contract must align with the job offer you initially signed in your home country. Consistency ensures transparency and fair treatment.

4. Documentation Maintenance:

It is vital to maintain a copy of the job offer you signed. This documentation serves as a reference point and can be crucial in addressing any discrepancies that may arise.

5. Contacting MoHRE:

If your employer fails to provide the agreed-upon job opportunity, or if you experience issues related to salary payment, it is your right to promptly contact the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) for assistance.

6. Secure Storage of Identification Documents:

Safeguarding your identification documents is essential. Keep them in a secure place to avoid any potential complications. Your identification documents are critical for various administrative processes.

7. Right to Terminate Employment:

You have the right to leave your job at any time. However, it is crucial to be fully aware of your legal obligations, ensuring a smooth transition and adherence to applicable regulations.

If you encounter any challenges or discrepancies, do not hesitate to reach out to SALC Team, and we will guide you through the proper legal channels to address and resolve any issues.

Your well-being and adherence to legal standards are of utmost importance, and we are here to ensure that your rights are upheld throughout your employment in the UAE.